Acterna Acterna/TTC Fireberd 1500A

Acterna Acterna/TTC Fireberd 1500A

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Data Error Analyzer The Fireberd 1500A Data Error Analyzer (Acterna / TTC 1500A) is designed for testing the transmission quality of digital communications circuits. It is a multifunction instrument capable of performing a comprehensive set of measurements to evaluate the protocol-insensitive characteristics of digital communications systems. It performs error analysis from 50 b/s to 15 Mb/s, can use up to 18 interchangeable data interfaces, completes in-service and out-of-service measurements and can perform long-term and unattended testing. It has full remote control capabilities with both RS-232 and IEEE-488 interfaces. Able to test over a wide range of data rates--with synchronous, asynchronous, or recovered timing, this unit is an exceptional value for your testing needs. Acterna / TTC Fireberd 1500A Features Error analysis from 50 b/s to 15 Mb/s Up to 18 interchangeable data interfaces Perform long-term and unattended testing RS-232 and IEEE-488 interface


ModelActerna/TTC Fireberd 1500A